

3 Formas de Melhorar seu Carbon Handprint

Você provavelmente já deve estar acostumado ao termo “Pegada de carbono” (em inglês Carbon footprint), mas você alguma vez já ouvir falar em “Carbon Handprint”? Enquanto o primeiro se refere aos impactos negativos que entidades, empresas, instituições e indivíduos possuem…

3 Ways to Improve your Carbon Handprint

Many people are used to the term “Carbon footprint”, but have you already heard about “Carbon Handprint”? While Carbon footprint addresses the negative impacts of companies, organizations, and individual citizens on the environment through Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, Carbon Handprint,…

5 Plant-powered prestigious athletes

Is it possible to build muscles without eating meat? These are some 5 plant-powered Athletes that proves you don’t need to eat meat for strength. 1 – Lionel Messi During play season Messi switches to a plant-based diet in order…

Changes in the structure of large urban centers can minimize the effect of excess water

This last Friday morning (November 20) our founder and diretor Augusto Auler, geologist, consultant and doctor in the field of climate change spoke to journalist Camila Campos of Rádio Itatiaia to explain the term “Rain bomb” and also the association between the intense rainfall regime in Belo Horizonte and Climate Change. See below some excerpts from the interview.

Entrevista Rádio Itatiaia – Chuva Bomba e Mudanças climáticas

a manhã desta sexta-feira (20 de novembro) nosso fundador e diretor Augusto Auler, geólogo, consultor e doutor na área de mudanças climáticas conversou com a jornalista Camila Campos da Rádio Itatiaia para explicar o termo “Chuva bomba” a associação do intenso regime de chuvas observado no município de Belo Horizonte e as mudanças climáticas. Veja a seguir alguns trechos da entrevista.

Bill aims to declare Climate Emergency in Brazil

In the last year an increasing number of localities have declared climate change an emergency. About 30 countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Canada and Argentina, have so far made up the list of nations that have declared a…

Welcome the Carbon Neutral Brazilian Beef

Meat lovers can celebrate now! EMBRAPA has officially launched “Carbon Neutral Brazilian Beef”, CNN for short in Portuguese, a concept-tradermark that aims to certify that beef produced under given varifiable/certifiable parameters have its greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions neutralized during the…

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